1·The last part of this section concentrates on event distribution and illustrates how events can be logically grouped together.
2·In our first section we discussed the idea of how to fit a distribution model to our dataset.
3·Just grab the latest ARQ distribution (see the Resources section below for a link), unpack it, and set the environment variable ARQROOT to point to the ARQ directory.
4·If you are using your own distribution server, add a section for authorization in your.pypirc file for this new location, and refer to it by name when uploading.
如果您使用的是自己的发布服务器,而且. pypirc文件中的授权部分也包含了这个新位置,只要在上传时引用它的名称即可。
5·You can try out this player by running the player.bat file in the code distribution (see the Download section).
您可以执行代码发行(请参阅下载部分)中的批处理文件player . bat,来试用这个播放器。
6·This method differs greatly from the present general calculation method in the stress distribution of controlled section.
7·Distribution network is an important section which connects the customers and the power supplier.
8·Combined with faults information matrix, a new matrix algorithm for fault section detection in distribution system is then built based on this model.
9·Section II, by Yan found that the location of cultural sites, cultural Yan summarized the distribution of each phase, the distribution of changes in the scope Yan cultural reasons were analyzed.
10·The rotating irradiation model for ND silicon presented in this paper gives distribution, mean value and heterogeneity of the thermal flux on the cross section of silicon.